It's been an eventful month at Liberty Grace Church.
On March 19, we held our farewell service for Nathan and Sarah Fullerton. Nathan has served as our apprentice, and is moving to Morningstar Fellowship to intern. We are grateful for his ministry, and had a great time celebrating the Fullertons and their involvement at Liberty Grace.

This past Friday, we joined with four other churches and celebrated Good Friday. Joe Boot of Westminster Chapel in Toronto preached a powerful message. Over a thousand people attended. It is a privilege to be part of a service that demonstrates our unity as gospel churches in the heart of downtown Toronto. Photos have been posted online.

On Sunday, we held an Easter egg hunt for children in the morning, and then held our Easter service later in the day. We continue to see new people attending almost every week.

We would appreciate your prayers in a few areas:
- Praise God that he is giving us good favour in the community. We see newcomers almost every week.
- Please pray for us as we look for new worship leaders, and as we plan outreach for the summer. Please also pray that we will receive a grant from the government to hire summer students to help with outreach.
- Please also pray for me as I continue to fundraise for the church.
I hope that you had a great Easter. We'd love to hear how we can pray for you.