Christmas Eve service this Sunday at 4pm. Please invite your family and friends as Pete Blundell walks us through John 1: 1-13 for this special service.

Parking: We've reserved one spot in the back for Pete, who's coming from a bit of a distance. If you're driving, please be mindful of this.

Resource to read the Bible daily: A message from Pete Blundell - "It was unplanned [on Sunday during the sermon], otherwise I would have given more information at the time, with regard to reading our Bibles for the majority of the week.  I realise that the vast majority need a lot of help to read the Bible daily, let alone read through it in one year.  Many, many at my former church found this plan to be very helpful in this regard, and it is one of my daily reading plans (I have two). Nicky Gumbel’s “The Bible” reading programme. It is also available on YouVersion the Bible App."

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