If you agreed to read Scripture this Sunday. Paul commanded Timothy to devote himself to the public reading of Scripture (1 Timothy 4:13). This is an important part of our worship!
Here are a few practical reminders:
- Make sure to look over the liturgy when you receive it, and to begin reading the passage of Scripture to yourself.
- Please use the ESV so that it matches what will be projected and used at the church. You can access the ESV here: https://www.esv.org/. Bring a copy in the ESV with you.
- Practice reading the passage aloud a number of times. Get help with any words that you can’t pronounce.
- When you read Scripture on Sunday, adjust the mic if needed. Please loosen the mike stand before you adjust it.
- Try to make eye contact with the sound person before you read to make sure they have turned on your mic.
- When you are ready to read say the following “Today our reading is from [passage]. Let’s read with our hearts and minds attentive to God’s message.” Then repeat the passage reference one more time.
- Read the text, but omit the subheadings. (e.g. in Matthew 1:1, do not read "The Genealogy of Jesus Christ”.)
- When you are finished say “This is God’s holy Word” then you and the congregations will respond by saying “Thanks be to God."
- Quietly return to your seat.
Thanks for helping with this important part of our worship ministry.