This Sunday, Pete Blundell will be guiding us through 2 Corinthians 5:11-21, focusing on the question: what is the Gospel? Join us at 4 pm this Sunday—we hope to see you there!

Other items of note:

  • Parking: We've reserved one spot in the back for Pete, who's coming from a bit of a distance. If you're driving, please be mindful of this.
  • Game Day: On Saturday, November 25, from 1:00-4:00 pm [TOMORROW!], come to the church to play board games. All are welcome, including kids! Bring snacks, drinks, and GAMES to share. RSVP by replying to this email.
  • Blessy's Christmas Fundraising Initiative: Order homemade crochet items from Blessy this Christmas! All proceeds support Liberty Grace Church. To order, contact @the.crochetbee on Instagram or message Blessy directly. Please place your orders before the end of the month to receive items by Christmas.
  • Forgiveness Seminar with Pete Blundell: On Sunday, December 3, from 10:30 am to 2:15 pm at the church, Pete will lead a special seminar on forgiveness. He'll address questions like "How to forgive and be forgiven? How to repent?" Don't miss out! RSVP and inform us of any known allergies, as we'll be sharing lunch together.
  • Deck the Halls: We need Christmas items to decorate the church. There will be boxes by the door until the end of the month. Thank you in advance!
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