We've Launched!
On Saturday, September 28, we held our first formal service as a church. We set up our chairs and sound equipment, and nervously waited for our guests to arrive. They did, and we had a great first service.
I wish you could have been there. Here are some pictures from the evening:

You can check out more pictures on the Liberty Grace Church blog.
Here are three highlights from the evening:
- We were grateful for the community members who attended our first service. Our goal is not to assemble a group of people who already attend church; it’s to plant the gospel in Liberty Village. It was so encouraging to see people from the Liberty Village community attending our first service.
- I was overwhelmed with gratitude for our Launch Team. As I watched them spend hours setting up and cleaning up, I was so thankful for a committed group of people who have joyfully devoted hours to serve God together as we plant this new church.
- We also had some supporters show up, which was a good reminder that we are not alone. We so much appreciate all those who attended, as well as those who have prayed for us and supported us in this work.
This is just another step, albeit an important one, in the planting of Liberty Grace Church. Please continue to pray for us.
Gardens Don’t Launch
About a week before our launch, I came across a website called Gardens Don’t Launch. The timing couldn’t have been better. It was a good reminder to us that our Launch Service, although important, is only one milestone in our work. We are not here just to plant a church service; we are here to plant a church by making disciples.
Our work in Liberty Village has been similar to gardening: cultivating the soil, planting, watering, and waiting. Gardens grow, and they take time. We’re going to continue the work of cultivating, planting, watering, and waiting. The launch doesn’t change any of that! The work continues.
Facebook, Twitter, and iTunes
Nathan Fullerton, our church planting apprentice, has started a Facebook page about his church planting journey. Interested? Check it out here.
We also have a Facebook page. You can check it out, and "Like" the page for updates, here. You can also follow us on Twitter.
Finally, our sermon podcast is now available on iTunes. Subscribe here.
Pray and Give
The week before our launch, I reminded our Launch Team that what we’re doing is not hard; it’s impossible. Without God’s help, we will not see lives changed and the gospel advance in a new community. We clearly need God’s empowerment.
That’s why we value your prayers so much. This isn’t a throwaway line; it really is crucial. If we are not on your prayer list, would you please begin praying for us? Pray that we will abide in Christ as we plant this church. Pray that God will give us wisdom. Pray that we will be able to build relationships and courageously speak the gospel. Pray that the gospel will bring transformation to lives in our community.
We are still continuing to raise our financial support. If you have not already partnered with us financially, would you consider doing so? I’m struck by how often Paul, a church planter, expressed his gratitude for those who gave so that he could offer the gospel free of charge in a community. Your gifts make a tremendous difference, and are an investment in what will last for eternity.
Thank you for your prayers and support. Please continue to pray for us as we plant this new church in Liberty Village. Keep in touch, and let us know how we can pray for you as well.