Today, Dwayne will be preaching on Acts 12:25 – 13:12 and what it means to be dependent on the Holy Spirit.

Choices in life are not often between what is good and what is bad but are often between what is good and what is best. How do you discern between what is good and what is best? If you are a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, God’s Spirit is in you. He leads and guides you. How do you learn to listen to His prodding? We can rely on Him for power for witness. He gifts us for service in the kingdom. We should long to grow in our relationship with the Holy Spirit as we mature in our faith. 

See at 4:00pm!

Sunday Service (ZOOM Link): Click here!

Grace Group: Meeting on Wednesday at 7:00pm. Reply back to this email if you are interested in joining!

Baptism: We have a baptism today!

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