Today, Dwayne will be preaching on John 6:1-35 and what it means to encounter the crowd. Jesus miraculously feeds 5000 men (plus women and children) with two small fish and five buns. He had been teaching all day when He had compassion for the crowd and wanted to feed them. The crowd is amazed at this miracle (this is one of only two miracles found in all four gospels) and follow Him to get more food. At that time, families spent 75 – 80% of their daily salary on food, if Jesus would keep feeding them, they would have a greater level of disposable income. As they continue to follow Him, Jesus declares that He is the Bread of life that completely satisfies.

See you at 4pm!

Other items of note --

  • ZOOM: Sunday Service (opens at 4pm).
  • Opportunities to Serve at Church: If you would like to serve at church, follow this link to fill in the form.
  • Membership: If you are interested in becoming a member of this church, please reply to this email. To find out more, follow this link.
  • Baptism: We are having a baptism on February 4! If you are interested in getting baptized, please reply to this email. To find out more, follow this link.
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