On Sunday, Dwayne will be preaching on Acts 14:1-22 and what gospel contextualization means. As the Apostle Paul spends time with the Gentiles, he preaches the same gospel in a way that they can understand it. His starting point is different with the Gentiles than it is with his Jewish brothers and sisters. He mentions that God has created the universe as that is something many of them don’t know. How do we explain the gospel to those who believe our faith in God is naïve or primitive? Where do we start? What common ground do we share as a bridge to the saving power of Jesus?

See at 4:00pm!

Other items of note --

  • ZOOM: Sunday Service (opens at 4pm). Reply to this email if there are any issues during the service. We can't always guarantee that we can do much, but we will do our best!
  • Potluck and Prayer: On Tuesday, we have have a meal together at 6:30pm and then pray together at 7:30pm. Please bring a meal or drink to share. Let's praise God together for providing us a senior pastor.
  • Opportunities to Serve at Church: If you would like to serve at church, follow this link to fill in the form.
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