Over the years, we’ve tried a few different options for online communities. Some of them have been good. Others haven’t worked as well.

The problem with trying new communities is that it’s hard to change. People understandably get tired of changing and drop out.

A while ago, I did some research on what platform would work best. I checked with a few people in our church, and we settled on a well-known platform called Discord. It’s well-known and established, and easy to use on your computer, phone, or tablet.

I’ve been holding off on sharing it with you, but it’s time. I want to invite you to join our online community.

Just follow the directions below:

  1. Download the app.
  2. Create a Discord account if you don’t have one.
  3. Follow this link to go to our server.
  4. React to the rules with a green checkmark to get verified and join the server. (Just click on the green checkmark that is already there at the bottom.)

That’s it! If you have any problems, let me know.

In other news:

  • This Sunday, we’re looking at the worst king of Israel, a man named Ahab. His story is found in 1 Kings 17 and 18.
  • Next week, our Grace Group meets at Steffi’s. Please contact me if you need her address/buzzer code.
  • We’re 84% of the way to reaching our Ice Cream Bike goal. We’ve raised $3,360; just $640 to go. Thanks for giving.

Hope to see you on Sunday.


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