This Sunday, Pete Blundell will be walking us through Luke 8:22-25 and helping us look at the question: will the Lord provide for us, and will He protect us?

Other items of note --

Parking: We are reserving one spot in the back for Pete as he comes from a bit of a ways away. If you are driving, please be mindful of this.

Newcomer's Dinner: If you are new to the church and haven't been out to a Newcomer's Dinner, please RSVP to this email. We plan to have dinner served after church on Sunday, November 5. Also, let me know of any allergies or dietary restrictions. Let's gather around the table.

Apologetics Bible Study: "True Faith Canada and Trinity Grace Church would like to extend an invitation to our brothers and sisters at Liberty Grace Church to attend our weekly apologetics Bible study. This year, we are working our way through Daniel. The meetings are every Wednesday at 7pm at Trinity Grace Church (826 Eglinton Ave E.)."

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