Here's the third of our postcards, and possibly my favourite. I have to say that our designer found the perfect image for the "Myth" side of our postcard:

Here’s the truth. Rather than being a help, religion actually can get in the way of an encounter with Jesus. I love what pastor and author Tim Keller writes in his book Prodigal God: “Jesus' teaching consistently attracted the irreligious while offending the Bible-believing, religious people of his day.” In other words, religion and Jesus do not mix easily!
There are barriers to getting to Jesus whether you’re religious or not. To be honest, Jesus challenges everyone (including us). But, according to the Bible, the barriers to Jesus may be higher if you are religious.
- Irreligious people seemed to gravitate towards Jesus and find him freeing and welcoming.
- Religious people often seemed to bristle against Jesus and have a harder time accepting him.
The reality is that Jesus is for every kind of person — but the religious often have a harder time than those who aren’t religious. But there is hope for them too.
So if you’re not religious, cheer up. You may just be ahead of the game. And if our church is anything like Jesus, you should feel welcome, maybe more so than if you’re the religious kind! You may just find that you’re closer to Jesus because of your lack of religion, and that’s a good thing.
We’d love to invite you to join us as we explore what Jesus has to offer to everyone, regardless of religion or background. Join us!