As you may know, we have a postcard going out to 2,000 condos next week:

We've just received this request from the Liberty Village BIA asking for our help:
There are over 50 businesses participating in this Fall’s promotion and after a couple of grueling days, we were able to finish stuffing the Welcome Bags last night. The LVBIA is working in partnership with the Liberty Village Residents Association, who have arranged to get us access to the area’s condos.
We have rented a cargo van and will be delivering the bags to resident’s doorknobs starting at 9:00am on Monday September 10th. If you are able to come out and help us, or send people to help us, all assistance would be much appreciated. Please let me know so we can arrange a meeting time and place.
Thank you,
Christine Sweeton, Coordinator
I realize it's late notice, but please let me know if you are able to help.