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Annual Update — March 2014

The Opportunity Toronto is the fourth largest city in North America, and the largest in Canada. The population of the GTA population is expected to grow to 7.45 million by 2031, with the population of Toronto to grow to 3 million. If you’ve been downtown lately, you’ve...

January Update

I can’t believe it’s the end of the month. Where did January go? We’re working on a year-end update for Liberty Grace Church, but I wanted to give you two snapshots into what has been going on here in Liberty Village. First, we had our first baptism....

A Special Year-End Request

I’ve been thinking a lot this week about what we were doing a year ago at this time. We were in the middle of packing and getting ready to move into Liberty Village. We were surrounded by boxes, and excited and a little scared about what lay ahead. One...

November Update

Lessons from a Venezuelan Church Planter In early November I sat down to lunch with Ken and Mary Anne, church planters in a condo community in Caracas, Venezuela. While we ate, I learned about Ken and Mary Anne and their ministry. Someone told me that meeting them would be worth...

October Update

We've Launched! On Saturday, September 28, we held our first formal service as a church. We set up our chairs and sound equipment, and nervously waited for our guests to arrive. They did, and we had a great first service. I wish you could have been there. Here...

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